We specialize in delivering extended protection programs and support services that strengthen customer loyalty, deliver a memorable experience and generate sustainable profit.
Assurant is the market leader in lender-placed insurance and outsourcing solutions, partnering with the majority of financial institutions and mortgage servicers in the U.S.
With flood protection a core focus for Assurant, we produce a full suite of innovative flood risk solutions.
From the day a renter moves in to the day they move out, Assurant offers solutions to protect you and your residents.
Assurant provides the manufactured housing industry with insurance products, extended service programs and unmatched support services.
We offer vehicle protection solutions that help you optimize performance and navigate every challenge.
Customers have many choices when it comes to protecting their purchases, travel and financial well-being, and so should you. Increase revenue and boost your customer growth and retention with products from Financial Services.
Please use the form below to submit Investor Relations questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Required fields are denoted by an symbol.
Sean Moshier Vice President, Investor Relations 260 Interstate N Circle SE Atlanta, GA 30339 T: 212-859-5831 e-mail: Investor.Relations@assurant.com
Matt Cafarchio Director, Investor Relations 260 Interstate N Circle SE Atlanta, GA 30339 T: 484-356-4791 e-mail: Investor.Relations@assurant.com
Please submit your question using the form below. Fields marked with an * are required.
Sean Moshier
Vice President, Investor Relations
260 Interstate N Circle SE
Atlanta, GA 30339
Matt Cafarchio
Director, Investor Relations