Political Activities Policy Statement

Political Activities Policy Statement

Download item year list 2021 2018

Political Activities Policy Statement of Assurant, Inc.

This policy, which is reviewed by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of Assurant, Inc.’s Board of Directors, sets forth the basic principles and oversight of Assurant’s lobbying activities, political contributions, political action committee (“PAC”), and trade association participation.

  • A. Lobbying
    1. Assurant is committed to constructive and ethical engagement in the U.S. political and public policy process that serves the best interests of our business, employees, clients, policyholders, and shareholders. The company is subject to extensive federal and state legislation and regulation. Our interests can be affected by a wide range of regulatory and legislative action in areas as diverse as insurance and service contract regulation, housing policy, trade policy, capital markets regulation, and tax laws. We seek to educate and inform public officials about the company’s positions on these and other policy issues that are important to our corporate purpose.
    2. Assurant’s activities include engagement with state and federal elected officials and support for industry trade associations. Assurant does not make political contributions from general treasury funds, even where permitted to by law. Assurant does sponsor a Political Action Committee. The Assurant PAC is comprised of voluntary contributions from eligible employees and disburses funds under the oversight of a Board of Directors and in accordance with the Board’s approved guiding principles. In all cases, Assurant’s political activities are intended to reflect and further Assurant’s corporate interest, and not the personal interest of any of our officers, directors, or employees. We prohibit directors and employees from using company resources to promote their personal political views, causes, or candidates.
    3. Assurant’s public policy priorities are determined in consultation with the company’s business units and the company’s most senior executives. Assurant maintains policies and procedures to ensure that its political activities are conducted in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
    4. Assurant conducts its political and public policy activities through its Government Affairs & Regulatory Legal group, which employs professionals who are responsible for analyzing proposed political contributions and related expenditures. The Government Affairs & Regulatory Legal team receives training on compliance with laws and regulations and reporting of any violations, and reports to Assurant’s Chief Legal Officer.
    5. Assurant publicly discloses all U.S. federal lobbying expenditures and the issues to which they relate pursuant to the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 as amended by the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 (“Lobbying Disclosure Act”), which requires that we file reports on a quarterly basis. These reports are publicly available at lobbyingdisclosure.house.gov. We also disclose state and local lobbying costs where required by applicable law.
  • B. Corporate Political Contributions
    1. Assurant does not use corporate resources for political contributions to political candidates, parties, or committees, even where it is allowed by law. Assurant also requires that no portion of our dues paid to trade associations be used for political contributions. Assurant does not use corporate resources for independent expenditures or electioneering communications, as defined by U.S. federal election law, does not currently engage in “grassroots lobbying” or support or oppose ballot initiatives, and does not make contributions to "Super PACs" that accept corporate contributions to make independent expenditures in connection with U.S. elections. Assurant also bans contributions to any groups exempt from Federal income tax under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • C. Assurant Political Action Committee
    1. Federal election law allows corporations to establish political action committees, which may make contributions to federal candidates, state candidates (as permitted by law), and other committees. In the U.S., Assurant sponsors the Assurant Inc. PAC, a federal political action committee registered with the Federal Election Commission. Assurant’s PAC is funded solely through voluntary employee contributions. As legally permitted, Assurant supports the modest cost of administering the PAC.
    2. Assurant’s PAC contributes on a bipartisan basis to federal and, where permitted, state candidates and political committees. Decisions regarding PAC contributions are made by the Government Affairs team, under the oversight of the Assurant PAC Board of Directors. The PAC’s Board of Directors consists of members representing a range of Assurant’s business interests. Contribution decisions do not reflect the personal political views or interests of senior management. Disclosure of the Assurant PAC’s contributions is updated monthly on the Federal Election Commission’s website, accessible here. Considerations when the PAC makes contribution decisions to individual candidates include:
      • the candidate’s views on issues relevant to Assurant, its shareholders, clients and employees;
      • the candidate’s leadership positions;
      • the jurisdiction of committees on which the candidate serves, or committees on which a non-incumbent has declared desire to serve;
      • the candidate’s representation of a jurisdiction where Assurant has a significant employee presence; and
      • character and integrity in line with Assurant’s values.
  • D. Trade Associations
    1. To assist in addressing a variety of business needs, Assurant is a member of several industry and business trade groups. These organizations may engage in a broad range of other issues and we may not always agree with all of their positions. Our Government Affairs team periodically reviews our membership in those organizations based on their support of matters of importance to Assurant. In certain cases, a portion of the dues Assurant pays for membership in these groups may be used to support the trade association’s lobbying or other advocacy interests, but Assurant requires that no portion of our dues paid to trade associations be used for political contributions.
    2. The Assurant PAC may financially contribute to the PACs of trade associations of which Assurant is a member on a case-by-case basis, under the oversight of the Assurant PAC Board of Directors.
  • E. Compliance
    1. Assurant is committed to complying with all applicable laws relating to political contributions and lobbying activities. The activities described in this policy are conducted in a transparent manner and consistent with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • F. Board Oversight
    1. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors exercises oversight over Assurant’s political activities, including Assurant’s public policy priorities, engagement with officials and other stakeholders, and compliance with laws and regulations. The Committee reviews Assurant’s lobbying activities, political contributions, and any payments that will be used for political purposes to trade associations or other tax exempt organizations . The Corporation does not make contributions that may/will be used for political purposes to 501(c)(4) organizations. The Committee receives an annual report on Assurant’s political activities.

Revised as of March 7, 2022.

Investor Contact

Sean Moshier

Vice President, Investor Relations

55 Broadway, Suite 2901

New York, NY 10006



Matt Cafarchio

Director, Investor Relations

55 Broadway, Suite 2901

New York, NY 10006

